Table of Contents
The Easiest Cashflow Agency Model to Start with Little Experience
I’m going to show you the easiest cashflow agency model that you could start with little to no experience, that’s easier and more effective than social media marketing or any other agency model that I know of. What’s going on, guys? Matthew Sabia here. A couple of years ago, I posted a video on this channel, which in my opinion is one of the best that I’ve ever done. I showed you guys how to build a super simple lead generation agency for local businesses using nothing but Google Sheets and a little bit of your own time.
Now in this video, I’m going to show you the updated version of that, which is 10 times simpler, 10 times easier to scale, and it’s almost guaranteed to get every one of your clients results, so they stick with you and keep paying cashflow every single month. Now, by this time, I’m sure you guys are familiar with the social media marketing agency model or SMMA as it’s referred to. Sorry, I just hate acronyms, acronyms kill, stop using them.
Problems with Social Media Marketing Agencies
The problem with a social media marketing agency is number one, it’s super hard to pitch to businesses today. You guys know that I don’t really agree with the whole point of something becoming saturated per se, but this is something that local businesses are so tired of having pitched to them, being cold-called, having people approach them with their business, cold emails. It’s something that they’ve tried before. They’ve been burned. They tried multiple agencies, and it never works for them. The reason for this is local businesses thrive off of local repeat traffic. The same loyal customers coming in over and over again, and then scaling on top of that.
Why Email Marketing is the Best Alternative
The alternative business model that I would personally recommend you guys start, this year and beyond, is an email marketing agency. Number one, it’s super simple to set up. You need little to no experience, no expensive tools, and no fancy technical knowledge. Like your grandmother could do this business. It’s super easy to pitch and sell to local businesses. I’m going to be giving you guys the exact script that I would use.
It’s super simple, because it basically proves to your client that the service works in a very logical way that’s almost guaranteed to get sales. It’s super simple, way easier to pitch again, like a social media marketing agency. On top of that, I’m going to show you the secret weapon and the tools I would use to basically fulfill the service for them on autopilot, and I’m gonna show you how to get a never ending stream of clients that are paying you between 500 and a $1,000 a month to fulfill this service. You’re gonna get a monthly retainer from them, and I guarantee you they’re going to see results if it’s an existing business.
How to Integrate Email Marketing into Local Businesses
If you integrate email marketing into a company that’s not already doing it, in particular, local businesses, that you’re guaranteed to see an increase in sales. Because again, these local businesses thrive off of local repeat traffic, so you are pitching something and giving offers to people who are already sold on their product or service. They already love this business. So you’re essentially just giving them constant reminders, let’s call them, to return to the business, updating them about sales, new products, new offers, new dishes at the restaurant, or whatever it is.
And if you guys want to get serious this year about building a real business that you could be proud of, that you could scale, in the risk of sounding vain, I think this is one of the most important videos that you could watch regarding this topic. If you’ve been burned before starting a social media marketing agency or any of these other models, I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised, but here’s the secret weapon. What I would do if I was running this model, is I would use a local lead scraping tool for Instagram, like the one I’m about to show you, to generate thousands, if not tens of thousands, of local email leads for them, that you could promote their product or service to.
Using Profile Mate for Lead Generation
It’s super simple to set up, you’re going to need two things. You’re going to need the lead scraping tool, which I’m going to show you. And a simple AWeber account. AWeber is the email marketing tool that they’re going to be building their list on. Before I move forward, I want you guys to understand, you know, you have to follow all the local rules and regulations of wherever you live. I don’t want to be like liable for you guys doing something stupid.
Another thing you need to understand, I say this all the time, don’t get romantic about the tools you use. Master the process. Cause guys, this tool, just like plenty of others I could share with you, maybe Instagram is going to shut it down in six months or a different one’s going to pop up. Just learn the process. Don’t get romantic about the tools. If this tool changes down the road, I’m just going to change the link description to something that’s currently working for you guys. So I got your back on this.
So let’s jump in, and let me show you how you’re gonna use this tool to generate thousands of local leads. All right guys, so here we are inside of Profile Mate. This is the Instagram scraping tool, which is going to act as our secret weapon to fulfill your clients contracts and get all these thousands of local leads for them on autopilot. So like I said before though, if this tool ever happens to go away or whatever, just check the link down in the description, I’m gonna update it whenever something happens with the newest and latest tool that works for this purpose, but you can go ahead and grab this from the link down below in the description, and let’s go ahead and jump right into it.
So now Profile Mate actually lets you do a lot of cool different things. Now, first off, we’re going to go into find users. And as you can see, we can scrape users from a person’s profile. So for example, someone’s followers and people who have engaged with a specific photo or commented on it. This is very, very powerful for things like affiliate marketing, different types of cold emailing, I actually have a whole video on that, which you could find on my channel.
But what we want for the purpose of this agency model for email marketing is from locations. And for example, let’s say we want to search for leads in Portland, Oregon. Just pulling that out of the air. We’ll go ahead and select it right here. Click on submit. It’s going to give them a minute to load up. And as you guys can see, Profile Mate is going to go ahead and start extracting email addresses of all the people who live in this particular location.
So wherever your client is located, go ahead, type in their town or city into the search box right here, and just let Profile Mate do its thing. So ideally what you want to do is let this run for a couple of hours or maybe even overnight, and then you want to click on download data. I’m going to show you exactly what this looks like. So let’s open up our Portland, Oregon file right here. Yes, we’ve only got, well right now, 36 emails from this. In this list, we have 16. And as you can see, we have all of the users who live in this location, but we don’t have their email address yet.
The way to do this is simply open it up, select all the usernames inside the spreadsheet file. I’m going to copy that, and we want to go to the email extractor. So we’re going to paste those into this tool right here. I’m going to click on submit. Now you could give these a name. So let’s say these are the Portland leads, just keeps you organized and stuff inside of Profile Mate. And here’s another interesting thing. Profile Mate could actually scrape a surprising amount of data from these users. So obviously we have the email address, and we could also get their phone number. Now that could be very useful and very dangerous at the time, so do with that what you will. I’m just going to keep everything checked right here and click on start, simply because we don’t have many for this example.
We scroll down here, you can see that Profile Mate has already extracted two email addresses from that list of 16. And then once you let this run and do its thing and everything is completed, you can see that we could actually download data based on some conditional factors here. So we only want to download the leads that do have an email address. And then once you have everything here selected and Profile Mate is done extracting the emails, use download conditional data right here. You’re going to get another spreadsheet file, which you could open in Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Docs if you’re poor, whatever software that you want, go ahead and open up a spreadsheet, and we could see that we actually have all these people’s email addresses. So just like that, we got these, hang on. How many are in here? So eight, just from letting it run for a couple of seconds here as an example, eight new leads for your local business that you’re doing the email marketing for.
So now you guys can go ahead, take these leads, upload them into an email marketing software, maybe do some cold outreach to them manually. Again, also have videos about that on the channel. And you guys are going to be good to go. So as you could see, Profile Mate and these email scraping tools are extremely powerful. What you’re going to be doing after that is simply setting up an AWeber account for them. If you guys aren’t familiar with email marketing, AWeber is an email marketing tool which allows you to mass email their customers. So what you’re going to help your customers do, is every single time a customer comes to their business, is you’re going to be getting them to collect their email address, put it onto this list, and then two to three times a week, just send out an email for them with a current promotion, remind them about the business, showing them sort of user-generated content like testimonials, stuff like that. Super, super simple to set up.
So all you guys need to do to create an AWeber count is go ahead, click the link down below in the description. As you can see, very, very simple email marketing platform, simple drag and drop editor. It’s going to be super simple to upload leads into, not just for you, but for your clients as well. So remember, you’re going to have your clients collecting those emails on the receipts or however they collect information from their customers. So I’m just going to go ahead and enter my name, and then I’m actually gonna use this support email address, because already have an AWeber account, and click on sign up. So there we go. That’s all you guys need to do to go ahead and set up your AWeber account.
And then once you’re ready to start sending out emails for your clients, you just need to go up here to create a message. You use their drag and drop email editor. They have a bunch of cool templates in there. The plain text editor, if you want to send very simple emails, like you were just writing them yourself. But one thing you want to keep in mind is if you go over here to messages and then down to campaigns, this is where you’re gonna let the automation do a lot of the work for you. Create a new campaign. We’re gonna create a blank campaign. We’re just going to call this test, and you guys have the simple drag and drop editor so that they get an email, let’s say as soon as they sign up. We drag a box that says, it’s going to wait for a day, send out another email. Maybe then it’s going to wait for two days, send another email, and you guys kind of get the gist of how this works.
So you could set up an entire month’s worth of emails from one of your clients. They’re going to send out automatically every couple of days without you actually logging in and doing any work. So I highly encourage you guys to take advantage of the autoresponder capabilities of AWeber or whatever marketing software that you’re using and let it do the heavy lifting for you. So what you guys need to do to get a little bit creative is help your clients find a good way to collect emails. The way that I recommend, and this is the most effective way I explain this to them, is again, let’s say it’s a restaurant. When someone checks out at that restaurant, when they get the receipt of their check for their meal, tell them to offer them 10% off instantly on the meal they just purchased, if all they do is enter their email address. To have them write it on the bottom of the receipt, have them print a little form for it on the bottom. That’s going to get a pretty crazy amount of people to join, because it doesn’t cost them anything. And they’re getting 10% off their meal. That works for every other business.
How to Get Clients for Your Email Marketing Agency
Okay, so now that you have everything set up, how do you go out there and start getting clients paying you 500 to $1000 a month for this service? Well, first off you need a way to get paid. So the way that you should do that is by setting up a Stripe account. It’s free to set up. They charge very little fees on every transaction, and it’s a great way to automatically bill your clients and have an invoice for them every single month. The next thing you need to do is actually start going out there and getting clients. How are you going to do that? There’s a couple different things you could do.
Number one, I recommend you don’t be lazy. Get off of your butt, start going out physically to local businesses and simply pitching them on this service. You could start this on the phone, go into Google, look up local businesses in your area, start doing cold calls with them. Set up meetings. Use the pitch that I gave you before. And it’s going to convert much higher than you would expect, but maybe you’re a little bit more of an introvert, and you want to do this all from the comfort of your own home. You can do this as well. You could use what are called mail merges. And I have a whole video about this. I’m going to link to it somewhere here in the video. It’s going to be down below. We’re going to show you how to automatically scrape a bunch of local companies and email them custom pitches. And you can kind of like dialogue with them from there.
The conversion rate is not going to be as high. I’m going to be honest with you. If you actually call people on the phone, it’s much more likely to get a sale. But if you want, you can do this via email and maybe just message them on Instagram using social media, that’s another thing you could do as well. But the point is go out there and put in the work. Just like everything else, this is a numbers game. It’s a super easy service to sell, and you can get them results. You could have the confidence that they will get more sales if they sign on for your service. Very simple, so don’t over complicate it. No, you don’t need some fancy website or a funnel or anything like that. Just go out, stop making excuses, and start doing this.
Effective Pitching Techniques
So the process goes like this. You’re going to be using the simple bullet point script I’m gonna be giving you down below in the description, which by the way, it’s simple, laid out into bullet points, write it out into your own words. And the great thing I like about this script, which I got the framing for this, I believe from Jason Flanagan. Don’t quote me on that. I believe this is where I got this from, or the inspiration for it at least. It’s in bullet points. So frame it in your own words. It works on the phone, it works in person, and it can also work in email if you word it correctly. But I do recommend if you want to take this seriously, go onto Google, get on the phone, and start making those cold calls, book meetings with people, and actually take this seriously. Or just walk down your street, put in some work and actually approach local businesses.
So here’s how you’re going to pitch and break it down to your clients. And it’s going to help you guys understand just how effective this actually is too. So I had the bullet point script right here. The first thing we’re going to be asking them is, so about how many people on average come into your business on a day-to-day basis? Let’s say a small local business. They’re going to say, you know, maybe like 150 people. That’s 4,200 people a month, around 50,000 people a year. Don’t check my math on that. Then you’re simply going to ask them, how many of those 50,000 people are on your email list?
9 times out of 10, they’re going to say, we don’t have an email list. We don’t do email marketing. And then you simply frame it to them like this. So when a customer buys from you and they walk out the door of your business, how can you ensure that they’re coming back? I know local businesses like yours thrive on repeat business. From there, they’re probably just gonna be dumbfounded. They typically don’t even have a reply to that. From there you simply say to them, sir or ma’am, I understand you’ve probably been pitched and maybe burned before by these social media marketing agencies who claim to have this magical way through the internet to get thousands of new people to this small local business. But I understand as well as you do, your business, being local, thrives off of repeat customers.
So what if we did this, let’s say you only got one out of three of those 50,000 people who come through your door every year to join your email list in exchange for a discount when they get the receipt. So you could have, let’s say it’s a restaurant, a server come up to them and exchange for 10% off instantly on their meal, all they need to do is give you their email address. From there, they’re going to start to understand that having a list of 15,000 existing customers that they can contact at any time, it’s not restricted by any algorithms on social media that could shut down their business without a moment